Strategic cooperation with NN Technical Services: achievements of 2023 and plans for the future

April 2024

#hydrogeology #NNTS

The mining industry is a significant contributor to the Russian economy. However, it faces a number of challenges, such as depletion of reserves, deterioration of mineral quality and high production costs. In view of this, strategic cooperation with experienced partners becomes a key success factor. One of these partners is Nornickel Technical Services LLC which specializes, inter alia, in geological exploration.

During a long-term cooperation that began in 2021, eight projects on hydrogeological testing and supervised installation of wire piezometers in wells have been successfully completed within the Talnakh ore cluster. In 2023 alone, CMT Consulting conducted 58 tests in six wells on the surface and 88 tests in 14 wells in Oktyabrsky underground mine, which significantly improved the understanding of hydrogeological properties of host rocks.

Cooperation with NN Technical Services has brought us a number of advantages, such as performance optimization, increased efficiency and reduced costs, which improves CMT’s market position. Through interaction and experience sharing our companies are able to jointly solve complex technical problems in the field of mining hydrogeology.

We are thankful to NN Technical Services for their trust and are confident that our partnership will continue to bring reliable results as part of future projects.

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