
CMT’s mining engineers are professional users of globally proven software packages for mining and geological 3D modelling: Micromine, Datamine, NPV Scheduler, Deswik, Surpac, MineSched

Reporting an Ore Reserve estimate in compliance with the JORC Code

Preparation of a Reserve report is amandatory requirement for conducting Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility studies

  • Ore Reserve estimation based on the accepted international approaches and rules
Mine design

The main purpose of the documents is an independent analysis of project profitability and assessment of investment attractiveness. Documents are accepted by all investors

  • Russian design stages: TES (Trade-off Study), TER (Technical and Economic Estimates), TEO (Feasibility Study)
  • International stages: Scoping Study, Pre-Feasibility Study, Feasibility Study
Technical audit

The main purpose of the documents is an independent audit of an industrial enterprise, its technical and financial performance and investment attractiveness. Documents are accepted by all investors

  • Audit oftechnical solutions to various levels as part CPR, Due Diligence and otherstudies
Analytical work

For analytical work, CMT specialists use the most up-to-date software

  • Optimization of open pit or underground mining limits. Evaluation of the viable limits for open-pit and/or underground mining
  • Development of deposit access schemes. The most economic access options are evaluated and selected by designing and comparing several options based on financial and technical parameters
  • Selection of mining methods. The aim is to find the optimum method for mining a deposit or part thereof
  • Evaluation of mine production capacity, and mine scheduling. Various areas of mining operations and their productivities are considered. The best mining option is selected based on financial and economic parameters
  • Open pit and underground mine scheduling. Development of face positions in a 3D space by year of mining both for open pits and for underground mines based on design constraints adopted in the project
  • Estimation of the main and auxiliary mining and transport equipment requirements. Consideration of various transportation options, including trucks, conveyors, trolley assist systems, etc.
  • Design of underground mine ventilation systems
  • CMT specialists have extensive experience in undertaking above works for large underground mines in Russia.
Analysis of mining risks
  • Risk of changing open pit limits
  • Risk of increased operating costs
  • Analysis of validity of the designed engineering parameters
  • Appropriate equipment selection
  • Design, construction and operation schedules
  • Analysis of compliance with Russian norms and regulations
Estimation of capital and operating costs

Optimization of a capital expenditure schedule allows investors to understand the investment time frames and to beaware of the investment amounts and periods, taking into account the mine’s requirements

  • Assessmentof the extent to which a capital investment schedule meets capital requirementsfor commissioning new capital facilities, purchasing new equipment andreplacing obsolete and failed equipment, and how the investment schedule reflectsthe time factor.
Training courses. Mining.
  • Requirements and approach to the development of mining sections of the reports produced in accordance with international standards
  • Peer review of mining projects

Preparation of a Reserve report is amandatory requirement for conducting Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility studies

  • Ore Reserve estimation based on the accepted international approaches and rules

The main purpose of the documents is an independent analysis of project profitability and assessment of investment attractiveness. Documents are accepted by all investors

  • Russian design stages: TES (Trade-off Study), TER (Technical and Economic Estimates), TEO (Feasibility Study)
  • International stages: Scoping Study, Pre-Feasibility Study, Feasibility Study

The main purpose of the documents is an independent audit of an industrial enterprise, its technical and financial performance and investment attractiveness. Documents are accepted by all investors

  • Audit oftechnical solutions to various levels as part CPR, Due Diligence and otherstudies

For analytical work, CMT specialists use the most up-to-date software

  • Optimization of open pit or underground mining limits. Evaluation of the viable limits for open-pit and/or underground mining
  • Development of deposit access schemes. The most economic access options are evaluated and selected by designing and comparing several options based on financial and technical parameters
  • Selection of mining methods. The aim is to find the optimum method for mining a deposit or part thereof
  • Evaluation of mine production capacity, and mine scheduling. Various areas of mining operations and their productivities are considered. The best mining option is selected based on financial and economic parameters
  • Open pit and underground mine scheduling. Development of face positions in a 3D space by year of mining both for open pits and for underground mines based on design constraints adopted in the project
  • Estimation of the main and auxiliary mining and transport equipment requirements. Consideration of various transportation options, including trucks, conveyors, trolley assist systems, etc.
  • Design of underground mine ventilation systems
  • CMT specialists have extensive experience in undertaking above works for large underground mines in Russia.
  • Risk of changing open pit limits
  • Risk of increased operating costs
  • Analysis of validity of the designed engineering parameters
  • Appropriate equipment selection
  • Design, construction and operation schedules
  • Analysis of compliance with Russian norms and regulations

Optimization of a capital expenditure schedule allows investors to understand the investment time frames and to beaware of the investment amounts and periods, taking into account the mine’s requirements

  • Assessmentof the extent to which a capital investment schedule meets capital requirementsfor commissioning new capital facilities, purchasing new equipment andreplacing obsolete and failed equipment, and how the investment schedule reflectsthe time factor.
  • Requirements and approach to the development of mining sections of the reports produced in accordance with international standards
  • Peer review of mining projects

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