CMT took part in the international conference “Review and Discussion of Geotechnical Situation at Mines of the Jezkazgan Region”

May 2024

#rock mechanics #hydrogeology #conference

In May 2024, CMT’s Ivan Livinsky (Director for Geotechnics and Hydrogeology) and Roman Bondarenko (Head of Geotechnics and Hydrogeology Department) took part in the international conference “Review and Discussion of Geotechnical Situation at Mines of the Jezkazgan Region” which was held in Jezkazgan (Republic of Kazakhstan).

The aim of the conference was to find new approaches to resolving current geotechnical issues at mines of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, as well as to  involve a consortium of organizations and enterprises that can make a significant contribution to stabilization of geotechnical situation in the mines.

CMT specialists delivered presentations that focused on issues specific to the Jezkazgan mines at the nexus of mining geotechnics and hydrogeology disciplines. Mine visits were also organized as part of the conference.

Based on the conference results, plans were initiated to develop and approve a program for implementing necessary geotechnical projects for Jezkazgan mines.

CMT is thankful to Kazakhmys Corporation LLP for the invitation to take part in the conference and looks forward to further cooperation!

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