Environmental and Social Aspects

Environmental and social assessment

Implemented taking into account international practices and requirements of national legislation

  • Identification and assessment of environmental and socio-economic risks at the Scoping Study, PFS and FS stages
  • Environmental impact assessment (OVOS)
  • Development of an environmental and social management plan to minimize potential impacts and risks

Environmental and social due diligence

Assessment of compliance of the designand existing solutions with the requirements of national legislation and goodinternational industry practices, including:

  • analysis of the exiting baseline data;
  • GAP analysis and development of recommendations for necessary studies;
  • assessment of the efficiency of the environmental and social management system;
  • analysis of stakeholder engagement and contribution to regional socio-economic development;
  • identification of risks and constraints that may lead to changes in the project schedule and additional financial liabilities, and affect the company’s reputation.

Development of ESG strategy

Development of an ESG strategy for amining company based on the good international industry practices

Development of a decarbonization strategy
  • Development of a conceptual decarbonization strategy
  • Assessment and review of the existing decarbonization strategies
  • Development of recommendations to comply with the Russian decarbonization strategy

Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAP)
  • Development of plans based on ESIA or local baseline conditions
  • Development of a roadmap of actions to minimize financial risks

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Development of ESIA in accordance with the standards of international financial institutions: Equator Principles; World Bank; International Finance Corporation; European and Asian Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • International Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for different levels of design studies:
  • Screening/Scoping Study (Environmental and Social Screening)
  • Pre-Feasibility Study (Preliminary ESIA)
  • Feasibility Study (full-scale ESIA)
  • Identification of environmental and socio-economic project impacts
  • Planning measures to minimize environmental, economic and social impacts
  • Assistance in identifying stakeholders
  • Development of Environmental and Social Management Plans: Business Management Plan (based on impact assessment results); Environmental Monitoring Plan; Stakeholder Engagement Plan; Community Sustainability Plan, and other plans to suit Project/Company needs

Environmental monitoring program
  • Recommendations to optimize the current environmental monitoring system for the existing mine
  • Development of a monitoring program for the designed mine

Assessment of stakeholder engagement
  • Identification of key stakeholders including local communities, government agencies, non-governmental organizations and other parties
  • Control and assessment of the engagement process
  • Involvement and further engagement strategy to maintain the “social license to operate”
  • Compiling documents to disclose project information

Development of ESG criteria for project design
  • Preparation of a list of ESG criteria to be considered in design solutions based on the site baseline data
  • Risk minimization and optimization of capital and operating costs

Assessment of Acid Rock Drainage and Metal Leaching Potential (ARDML)

Conceptual assessment of potential aciddrainage and metal leaching from mining and processing sites

Supervision of baseline environmental and socio-economic studies
  • Development of conceptual programs
  • Supervision of baseline environmental and socio-economic studies to comply with the requirements of good international industry practices

OVOS supervision
  • Integration of the Russian impact assessment methodology with the international environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA)
  • Supervision of baseline environmental and socio-economic studies

Assessment of environmental and social risks
  • Identification, analysis and assessment of environmental and social constraints that may lead to financial liabilities, changes in the project schedule and reputational risks
  • Development of recommendations for risk mitigation

Climate risk assessment
  • Conceptual assessment of climate risks
  • Recommendations to minimize identified risks

Training courses. Environmental issues
  • Consideration of environmental and social aspects in design solutions
  • Requirements and approach to the development of environmental sections of Scoping Study, PFS and FS reports
  • An efficient environmental and social management system in a mining company

Implemented taking into account international practices and requirements of national legislation

  • Identification and assessment of environmental and socio-economic risks at the Scoping Study, PFS and FS stages
  • Environmental impact assessment (OVOS)
  • Development of an environmental and social management plan to minimize potential impacts and risks

Assessment of compliance of the designand existing solutions with the requirements of national legislation and goodinternational industry practices, including:

  • analysis of the exiting baseline data;
  • GAP analysis and development of recommendations for necessary studies;
  • assessment of the efficiency of the environmental and social management system;
  • analysis of stakeholder engagement and contribution to regional socio-economic development;
  • identification of risks and constraints that may lead to changes in the project schedule and additional financial liabilities, and affect the company’s reputation.

Development of an ESG strategy for amining company based on the good international industry practices

  • Development of a conceptual decarbonization strategy
  • Assessment and review of the existing decarbonization strategies
  • Development of recommendations to comply with the Russian decarbonization strategy

  • Development of plans based on ESIA or local baseline conditions
  • Development of a roadmap of actions to minimize financial risks

  • Development of ESIA in accordance with the standards of international financial institutions: Equator Principles; World Bank; International Finance Corporation; European and Asian Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • International Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for different levels of design studies:
  • Screening/Scoping Study (Environmental and Social Screening)
  • Pre-Feasibility Study (Preliminary ESIA)
  • Feasibility Study (full-scale ESIA)
  • Identification of environmental and socio-economic project impacts
  • Planning measures to minimize environmental, economic and social impacts
  • Assistance in identifying stakeholders
  • Development of Environmental and Social Management Plans: Business Management Plan (based on impact assessment results); Environmental Monitoring Plan; Stakeholder Engagement Plan; Community Sustainability Plan, and other plans to suit Project/Company needs

  • Recommendations to optimize the current environmental monitoring system for the existing mine
  • Development of a monitoring program for the designed mine

  • Identification of key stakeholders including local communities, government agencies, non-governmental organizations and other parties
  • Control and assessment of the engagement process
  • Involvement and further engagement strategy to maintain the “social license to operate”
  • Compiling documents to disclose project information

  • Preparation of a list of ESG criteria to be considered in design solutions based on the site baseline data
  • Risk minimization and optimization of capital and operating costs

Conceptual assessment of potential aciddrainage and metal leaching from mining and processing sites

  • Development of conceptual programs
  • Supervision of baseline environmental and socio-economic studies to comply with the requirements of good international industry practices

  • Integration of the Russian impact assessment methodology with the international environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA)
  • Supervision of baseline environmental and socio-economic studies

  • Identification, analysis and assessment of environmental and social constraints that may lead to financial liabilities, changes in the project schedule and reputational risks
  • Development of recommendations for risk mitigation

  • Conceptual assessment of climate risks
  • Recommendations to minimize identified risks

  • Consideration of environmental and social aspects in design solutions
  • Requirements and approach to the development of environmental sections of Scoping Study, PFS and FS reports
  • An efficient environmental and social management system in a mining company

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