

CMT specialists are highly competent in key mining areas. We provide training courses for both technical and management staff of mining companies.

Our portfolio includes both ready-made training programs and bespoke training courses tailored to your goals and objectives.

We deliver remote and face-to-face training courses, including practical training at mine sites.

  • Training courses. Geology and Resources
  • Training courses. Mining
  • Training courses. Hydrogeology
  • Training courses. Geotechnical aspects
  • Training cources. Environmental issues

CMT specialists are highly competent in key mining areas. We provide training courses for both technical and management staff of mining companies.

Our portfolio includes both ready-made training programs and bespoke training courses tailored to your goals and objectives.

We deliver remote and face-to-face training courses, including practical training at mine sites.

  • Training courses. Geology and Resources
  • Training courses. Mining
  • Training courses. Hydrogeology
  • Training courses. Geotechnical aspects
  • Training cources. Environmental issues

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