CMT completed mine stability analysis at Talatui deposit

November 2023 – February 2023

#rock mechanics

From November 2023 to February 2024, CMT conducted a mine stability analysis at Talatui deposit.

Talatui deposit is located in the Chita Region near the Vershino-Darasunsky village. In 2022, Highland Gold began active mining of the deposit after a long suspension period. One of the specific features of the deposit is that open-pit mining operations are carried out in locations of abandoned underground workings.

The main objective of the project is to promptly collect information on the rock mass jointing and fracture properties, and to develop databases for subsequent geotechnical works.

Deposit accommodates two open pits located a short distance apart. In order to optimize activities, CMT specialists split into groups depending on asset and type of work. It took just a few days to conduct a detailed drone survey of both pits, obtain several dozen mapping stations for desk-top study and undertake manual rock mass mapping with fracture characterization.

Upon completion of desk-top studies, all initial data was handed over to mine specialists, including databases developed, 3D models of open pits and mapping stations, and recommendations were provided for further geotechnical study of the deposit.

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