CMT completed geotechnical modelling for Lefa deposit

May 2023

About the event

CMT Consulting has completed geological-structural and block geotechnical modelling for Lefa deposit developed by the Lefa gold mine which is a part of Nordgold international company.

Lefa gold deposit is located in West Africa in the Republic of Guinea at the source of the Bamamaako River between the towns of Afea Kourou (568 m) and Caretta (658 m), and is one of the largest gold deposits in the country.

Deposit is located within the large Siguiri volcanic-sedimentary basin which is a part of the Birimian terrain of the West African craton. Productive gold mineralization is composed of stockwork bodies with quartz-carbonate-sulfide veinlets located in Proterozoic metasandstones. The entire rock formation is cut through by numerous intrusive bodies of predominantly dolerite composition. Rocks are metamorphosed and covered by a thick weathering crust. Deposit is confined to the main fault system that strikes north-east and to the secondary ore controlling faults.

CMT visited open pits to collect additional geological information. As part of the visit, pit benches were mapped to record main structures and geological bodies.

Geological model of the deposit includes all lithological domains, including rock mass bedding based on mapping and oriented drilling, as well as tectonic fault planes.

Wireframes of geological domains were then used as the basis for coding the attributive information of the geotechnical block model.

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