CMT audited numerical models for Gorevskoye lead-zinc deposit

January 2024

#rock mechanics #hydrogeology #audit_model

As part of provision of services in the field of Rock Mechanics and Hydrogeology, CMT conducted a detailed audit of numerical models developed by a third party for Gorevskoye lead-zinc deposit.

During the audit, CMT reviewed basic principles and approaches to the development of litho-structural, block geotechnical and hydrogeological models using specialized software packages (Micromine, Visual Modflow Flex, Rocscience).

CMT reviewed the work completed both in terms of ToR requirements and in terms of the common world practice related to the development of numerical models for the deposits mined by an open-pit method in difficult mining conditions.

During the audit, CMT identified and justified a variety of gaps. Our company provided methodological support in the process of eliminating the gaps identified in order to update and refine numerical models.

Based on the updated numerical models, predicted water inflows and pit slope stability evaluation were modified.

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