Mining Economics

Development of the mine financial and economic model (FEM)
  • Development of FEM based on the mining and processing schedules
  • CAPEX and OPEX estimation
  • FEM modification to reflect changes in macroeconomic factors
  • Sensitivity analysis of key technical and economic parameters
  • FEM audit

Assessment and optimization of technical-economic performance of the project
  • CAPEX and OPEX analysis
  • Analysis of product cost structure
  • Analysis of unit costs by production process
  • Analysis of the company's tax policy
  • Depreciation estimation
  • Analysis of the key project economic parameters (NPV, IRR, etc.)
Strategic planning and evaluation of investment projects
  • Macroeconomic forecast
  • Analysis of financial reserves
  • Estimation of mine closure and reclamation costs

Economic risk assessment
  • Risk classification
  • Risk management recommendations
  • Road map
  • Development of FEM based on the mining and processing schedules
  • CAPEX and OPEX estimation
  • FEM modification to reflect changes in macroeconomic factors
  • Sensitivity analysis of key technical and economic parameters
  • FEM audit

  • CAPEX and OPEX analysis
  • Analysis of product cost structure
  • Analysis of unit costs by production process
  • Analysis of the company's tax policy
  • Depreciation estimation
  • Analysis of the key project economic parameters (NPV, IRR, etc.)
  • Macroeconomic forecast
  • Analysis of financial reserves
  • Estimation of mine closure and reclamation costs

  • Risk classification
  • Risk management recommendations
  • Road map

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