Comprehensive Services

Comprehensive services to assist in making operative management and strategic decisions

MROR (Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation)
  • Ore, diamond and coal deposits
  • Developmentof recommendations for reporting Resources and Reserves in accordance withinternational standards
  • MineralResource and Reserve estimation in accordance with international standards(JORC, CRIRSCO)

DD (Independent Due Diligence)
  • Independent technical assessment of projects
  • Objective and technically sound expert opinions
  • For pre-design stages and existing mines
  • Audits for making investment decisions

CPR (Competent Person Report)
  • Reports to satisfy international disclosure requirements
  • Qualified Expert Report
  • Reports for banks, stock exchanges and investors

SS (Scoping Study)
  • Feasibility study of the project’s potential based on analogue operations
  • Mineral Resource classification
  • Investment justification for PFS stage

PFS (Pre-Feasibility Study)
  • Comprehensive study of a range of options for the economic viability of a mineral project
  • Numerical modeling (geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology)
  • Key risks
  • OPEX/CAPEX estimates
  • Investment justification for FS stage

FS/BFS (Feasibility Study)
  • Ore, diamond and coal deposits
  • Comprehensive international feasibility study of the selected option for a mineral project
  • Detailed numerical modeling (geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology)
  • ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment)

Investment justification
  • Debt financing
  • Equity financing
  • Support of mergers and acquisitions

Mining risk assessment
  • Identification of key project risks
  • Key risk management plan
  • Due Diligence in key areas (resources, reserves, geotechnics, hydrogeology,environment, climate, social aspects, tailings management, economics and finance)

  • Ore, diamond and coal deposits
  • Developmentof recommendations for reporting Resources and Reserves in accordance withinternational standards
  • MineralResource and Reserve estimation in accordance with international standards(JORC, CRIRSCO)

  • Independent technical assessment of projects
  • Objective and technically sound expert opinions
  • For pre-design stages and existing mines
  • Audits for making investment decisions

  • Reports to satisfy international disclosure requirements
  • Qualified Expert Report
  • Reports for banks, stock exchanges and investors

  • Feasibility study of the project’s potential based on analogue operations
  • Mineral Resource classification
  • Investment justification for PFS stage

  • Comprehensive study of a range of options for the economic viability of a mineral project
  • Numerical modeling (geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology)
  • Key risks
  • OPEX/CAPEX estimates
  • Investment justification for FS stage

  • Ore, diamond and coal deposits
  • Comprehensive international feasibility study of the selected option for a mineral project
  • Detailed numerical modeling (geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology)
  • ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment)

  • Debt financing
  • Equity financing
  • Support of mergers and acquisitions

  • Identification of key project risks
  • Key risk management plan
  • Due Diligence in key areas (resources, reserves, geotechnics, hydrogeology,environment, climate, social aspects, tailings management, economics and finance)

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