CMT took part in the IXth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Mine Design”

May 2024

#rock mechanics #conference

In late May 2024, CMT’s Alexander Makarov (Principal Consultant - Rock Mechanics) and Sergey Gashko (Senior Consultant - Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics) took part in the IXth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Mine Design” which was organized by the St. Petersburg Mining University named after Empress Catherine II.

Objectives of the conference were to improve mine design methods and optimize the training process in the fields of rock mechanics, mining and subsoil use. During the conference, specialists from different companies were also able to share their experience and establish scientific and technical ties.

At the section “Geotechnical support and risks during open pit mining of mineral deposits,” Alexander Makarov and Vadim Demishkan (Junior Technical Specialist – Rock Mechanics) delivered the report “Geotechnical back analysis” which presented CMT’s experience in analyzing the existing slope deformations using various methods. Link to the presentation is available below.

Presentation by Alexander Makarov

CMT is thankful to the St. Petersburg Mining University named after Empress Catherine II for the opportunity to take part in the conference and looks forward to further cooperation.

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