Experienced international experts who are responsible for the result
All material information
required to make decisions

A wide range of consulting services to the mining industry for business development and search for optimal solutions

We provide clear and unambiguous conclusions without using complex terminology
> 60
Projects completed since 2023
> 35
Full-time specialists in Moscow
1000 +
Packer tests
100 +
3D numerical models developed

Russian and international consulting and operational experience

CMT Consulting provides a wide range of consulting services required for business development and search for new solutions in the mining industry

We have adopted experience of international experts from the following countries:

1. Great Britain
2. Chile
3. Australia
4. USA
5. Peru
6. South Africa
7. Canada

We have worked in international projects in the following countries:

1. Russian Federation
2. Armenia
3. Turkmenistan
4. Uzbekistan
5. Kyrgyzstan
6. Kazakhstan
7. Chile
8. South Africa
9. Guinea
10. Burkina Faso
11. Bolivia

Team’s experience

SRK Russian office established
100th project completed successfully
FS audit for Grib project completed
FS for Udokan project completed
The 500th project completed successfully
A major Phosagro optimization project completed
MROR completed for all NMMC assets (700th project)
СМТ Consulting established
The 50th project completed successfully

CMT role in developing mining industry

Participation in the development of Federal Norms and Regulations (FNiP) in the field of mine stability

CMT geotechnical engineers initiated an update of the regulatory framework in the field of mine stability. Since 2020, we have been a key player in the development of new FNiP in the field of industrial safety, specifically:

  • Rules for Ensuring Stability of Benches and Slopes of Open Pits and Waste Dumps (in force since 2022).
  • Rules for Ensuring Underground Mine Stability During Development of Mineral Deposits (being developed).

Primary role of CMT Consulting is to introduce advanced international methods into the Russian regulatory framework.

Master classes at the MINEX Forum

Since 2010, CMT Consulting has been supporting Minex Russia Forum acting as a Gold Sponsor. Every year our specialists deliver reports and presentations at Minex Forum and conduct theoretical and practical master classes in various disciplines (geomechanics, hydrogeology, due diligence, etc.).

Training of MGRI students

From 2019 to date, CMT Consulting together with MGRI-RGGRU (Moscow Institute of Geological Exploration-Russian State Geological Prospecting University) have been training students in the field of Geomechanics. Our technical specialists act as lecturers. Additionally, classes are held using modern software, and joint visits to open pits are made to perform practical tasks. CMT Consulting provides assistance in organizing practical training for students at mining operations.