Rock Mechanics

CMT’s geotechnical engineers are professional users of globally proven software packages, such as Leapfrog, Micromine, Dips, Slide, Midas, tNavigator

Filed investigations
  • Geotechnical logging of oriented core
  • Sample collection to determine mechanical properties of rock mass
  • Geotechnical and structural logging of pit benches and underground workings
  • Field investigations to determine rock strength properties using a Shmidt hammer
  • Open pit drone surveys
  • Sirovision surveys
  • Core logging supervision and quality control
  • Quality control of laboratory testing of rock mass mechanical properties
  • Planning and preparation of field investigation programs for various stages of deposit development (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, Operations), depending on the mining method (open pit or underground)
  • Training in core logging and mine mapping
  • Core photograph logging using specialized software
  • Development of geotechnical monitoring programs
  • Prism and radar monitoring analysis
  • Set-up of radar monitoring
  • Justification of critical displacement criteria

Litho-structural modelling
  • Database analysis
  • Structural domaining
  • Analysis of rock mass mechanical properties
  • Development of litho-structural models using Leapfrog and Micromine software
  • Development of instructions and training in model updating
Geotechnical modelling
  • Rock mass rating classification using various methods
  • Using various methods of geotechnical rating interpolation
  • Block model validation
  • Development of geotechnical block models using Leapfrog and Micromine software
  • Model verification
  • Development of instructions and training in model updating
Pit slope stability analysis
  • 2D slope stability analysis for open pits and waste dumps (Slide2, RS2)
  • 3D slope stability analysis using a finite elements method (Midas GT NX)
  • Kinematic analysis (Dips)
  • Deterministic and probabilistic slope stability analysis (Slide2, RocPlane, RocToplle, Swedge,SBlock)
  • Back analysis
  • Bench-berm design
  • Macroblock analysis
  • Pit domaining based on bench-berm parameters
  • Using international and Russian analysis methods, adaptation of western approaches to the Russian standards
Underground geotechnical design
  • Justification of an optimal mining method
  • Mine stability analysis
  • Ground support estimation
  • Sizing of safety and operational pillars
  • Numerical modelling of production processes using specialized software
Audits and reviews
  • Analysis of core logging results (Dips)
  • Rock mass rating classification using various methods
  • Audit of numerical geotechnical models and stability analysis
  • Geotechnical audit of ore and coal deposits
  • Preparation of technical reports in compliance with international standards (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, CPR, JORC) for deposits mined by open-pit and underground methods
  • Geotechnical due diligence as part of investment projects
  • Geotechnical risk assessment
  • Development of corporate standards and reports related to GCMP (Ground Control Management Plan)
Training courses. Geotechnical aspects
  • Geotechnical core logging
  • Basic training course in open pit and underground mining geotechnics
  • Requirements and approach to the development of geotechnical sections of Scoping Study, PFS and FS reports
  • Basic training course in slope stability analysis using Slide software
  • Optional training courses in Mining Geotechnics for MGRI students (since 2020)
  • Geotechnical logging of oriented core
  • Sample collection to determine mechanical properties of rock mass
  • Geotechnical and structural logging of pit benches and underground workings
  • Field investigations to determine rock strength properties using a Shmidt hammer
  • Open pit drone surveys
  • Sirovision surveys
  • Core logging supervision and quality control
  • Quality control of laboratory testing of rock mass mechanical properties
  • Planning and preparation of field investigation programs for various stages of deposit development (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, Operations), depending on the mining method (open pit or underground)
  • Training in core logging and mine mapping
  • Core photograph logging using specialized software
  • Development of geotechnical monitoring programs
  • Prism and radar monitoring analysis
  • Set-up of radar monitoring
  • Justification of critical displacement criteria

  • Database analysis
  • Structural domaining
  • Analysis of rock mass mechanical properties
  • Development of litho-structural models using Leapfrog and Micromine software
  • Development of instructions and training in model updating
  • Rock mass rating classification using various methods
  • Using various methods of geotechnical rating interpolation
  • Block model validation
  • Development of geotechnical block models using Leapfrog and Micromine software
  • Model verification
  • Development of instructions and training in model updating
  • 2D slope stability analysis for open pits and waste dumps (Slide2, RS2)
  • 3D slope stability analysis using a finite elements method (Midas GT NX)
  • Kinematic analysis (Dips)
  • Deterministic and probabilistic slope stability analysis (Slide2, RocPlane, RocToplle, Swedge,SBlock)
  • Back analysis
  • Bench-berm design
  • Macroblock analysis
  • Pit domaining based on bench-berm parameters
  • Using international and Russian analysis methods, adaptation of western approaches to the Russian standards
  • Justification of an optimal mining method
  • Mine stability analysis
  • Ground support estimation
  • Sizing of safety and operational pillars
  • Numerical modelling of production processes using specialized software
  • Analysis of core logging results (Dips)
  • Rock mass rating classification using various methods
  • Audit of numerical geotechnical models and stability analysis
  • Geotechnical audit of ore and coal deposits
  • Preparation of technical reports in compliance with international standards (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, CPR, JORC) for deposits mined by open-pit and underground methods
  • Geotechnical due diligence as part of investment projects
  • Geotechnical risk assessment
  • Development of corporate standards and reports related to GCMP (Ground Control Management Plan)
  • Geotechnical core logging
  • Basic training course in open pit and underground mining geotechnics
  • Requirements and approach to the development of geotechnical sections of Scoping Study, PFS and FS reports
  • Basic training course in slope stability analysis using Slide software
  • Optional training courses in Mining Geotechnics for MGRI students (since 2020)

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