CMT completed litho-structural wireframe modelling for Tokko and Roman deposits

April 2023

About the event

CMT Consulting has completed wireframe lithological-structural modeling for Tokko and Roman deposits which are located close to each other within the eastern part of the Olekmo-Chara upland in south-western Yakutia.

The site is characterized by mid-mountain terrain with maximum elevations of up to 1400 m asl. Permafrost in these locations can reach 500 m.

Deposits are predominantly composed of Archean plagiogneisses; dike-shaped bodies of dolerites and amphibolites are also found. Rocks are largely affected by hydrotherms and have undergone metasomatism. Hard rocks are overlain by Quaternary sediments of various origin. Structurally, deposits are located at the intersection of the Kondinskaya fault system that strikes east-northeast and the Tokkinskaya sub-meridional fault system with numerous feathering fractures. The first system is represented by a series of gentle thrust faults of small amplitudes, the second system – by slightly deeper strike-slip faults. Host rocks are heavily disturbed, which primarily affects the consistency of dolerite and amphibolite bodies. Thrust faults of the Kondinskaya system are traced by strong metasomatic alteration.

CMT reviewed extensive geological and geophysical data based on high-quality exploration works, performed a structural analysis, modelled geological bodies and rock alterations, built a structural frame of the deposit with faults and fault zones linked between themselves and with the resource model, and recommended areas for further rock mass investigations.

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