
CMT’s hydrogeologists are professional users of globally proven software, such as Ansdimat, ArcGIS, Surfer, Micromine, Visual Modflow Classic, Feflow, GMS, Slide2.

Field investigations

CMT conducts investigations using its own hydrogeological equipment which is based in Moscow (IPI SWIPS and Geopro packer systems, IPI flowmeters, In-Situ and OTT KL level meters, LevellTroll and Keller autonomous pressure gauges, thermistor chains, Grundfos submersible pumps, pygmy meters)

  • Packer testing in vertical, inclined and horizontal wells both from surface and from underground workings. Over the past 10 years, more than 800 packer tests have been conducted to the depth of 1200 m at ore and coal deposits, including double packer tests. CMT has its own IPI SWIPS, Geopro and Geopro mini packer systems and is experienced in using the STX-60 system and gas packers. CMT employs various testing techniques (airlift and pumping tests, injections and slug test, shut-in test, swabbing, step tests, etc.)
  • Installation of multi-level piezometers in wells. CMT is experienced in installation of Geokon, Keller, Sisgeo and RST equipment, as well as single and multi-level piezometers with cement insulation. Over the past 10 years, more than 50 wells have been equipped
  • Hydrogeological mapping of open pits and underground mines, including using own equipment (pygmymeters, pH meters, etc.)
  • Planning and preparation of field investigation programs for various stages of deposit development (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, Operations), depending on the mining method (open pit, underground, lSL)
  • Interval groundwater sampling
  • Open pitdrone surveys
  • Training in packer testing and installation of multi-level piezometers
  • Interpretation of hydrogeological testing results using the ANSDIMAT software package

  • Development of hydrogeological monitoring programs for mining and processing plants
  • Organization of surface and groundwater monitoring (In-Situ, Solinst, Keller)
  • Organization of permafrost temperature monitoring (thermistor chains)
  • Installation of multi-level piezometers (Geokon, Keller, Sisgeo, RST)
  • Analysis of monitoring results
Groundwater flow modelling
  • 3D numerical hydrogeological modelling in Modflow (Classic, Flex) GWV and Feflow software packages for open pits and underground mines
  • Forecast of inflows into mine workings by mining stage, taking into account a mining method
  • Assessment of hydrogeological impact on water intake sites and water bodies
  • Assessment of modifying factors for converting Mineral Resources to Ore Reserves based on the model
  • Optimization of water resources with regard to water balance
  • Assessment of a potential for pumping mine water into deep levels
  • Justification of the injection-extraction well system for in situ leaching
  • Modelling of mine flooding upon completion of mining operations
  • Geomigration modelling
  • Audit of numerical hydrogeological models
Drainage solutions
  • Development of technical solutions for dewatering and drainage of underground and surface mines
  • Design of drainage activities to improve slope stability
  • Methodological supervision of pilot operation of drainage systems
  • Assessment of groundwater levels in the slope rock mass using Slide2 software package
Audits and reviews
  • Audit of numerical hydrogeological models and dewatering solutions
  • Hydrogeological audit of ore and coal deposits
  • Preparation of technical reports in compliance with international standards (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, CPR, JORC) for deposits mined by open-pit and underground methods
  • Hydrogeological due diligence as part of investment projects
  • Hydrogeological risk assessment
  • Development of corporate standards and reports related to WMP (Water Management Plan) and GCMP (Ground Control Management Plan)
  • Estimation of surface runoff to mine workings, and development of surface drainage solutions
Training courses. Hydrogeological aspects
  • Packer testing and installation of multi-level piezometers
  • Requirements and approach to the development of hydrogeological sections of Scoping Study, PFS and FS reports
  • Basic training course in hydrogeological modelling

CMT conducts investigations using its own hydrogeological equipment which is based in Moscow (IPI SWIPS and Geopro packer systems, IPI flowmeters, In-Situ and OTT KL level meters, LevellTroll and Keller autonomous pressure gauges, thermistor chains, Grundfos submersible pumps, pygmy meters)

  • Packer testing in vertical, inclined and horizontal wells both from surface and from underground workings. Over the past 10 years, more than 800 packer tests have been conducted to the depth of 1200 m at ore and coal deposits, including double packer tests. CMT has its own IPI SWIPS, Geopro and Geopro mini packer systems and is experienced in using the STX-60 system and gas packers. CMT employs various testing techniques (airlift and pumping tests, injections and slug test, shut-in test, swabbing, step tests, etc.)
  • Installation of multi-level piezometers in wells. CMT is experienced in installation of Geokon, Keller, Sisgeo and RST equipment, as well as single and multi-level piezometers with cement insulation. Over the past 10 years, more than 50 wells have been equipped
  • Hydrogeological mapping of open pits and underground mines, including using own equipment (pygmymeters, pH meters, etc.)
  • Planning and preparation of field investigation programs for various stages of deposit development (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, Operations), depending on the mining method (open pit, underground, lSL)
  • Interval groundwater sampling
  • Open pitdrone surveys
  • Training in packer testing and installation of multi-level piezometers
  • Interpretation of hydrogeological testing results using the ANSDIMAT software package

  • Development of hydrogeological monitoring programs for mining and processing plants
  • Organization of surface and groundwater monitoring (In-Situ, Solinst, Keller)
  • Organization of permafrost temperature monitoring (thermistor chains)
  • Installation of multi-level piezometers (Geokon, Keller, Sisgeo, RST)
  • Analysis of monitoring results
  • 3D numerical hydrogeological modelling in Modflow (Classic, Flex) GWV and Feflow software packages for open pits and underground mines
  • Forecast of inflows into mine workings by mining stage, taking into account a mining method
  • Assessment of hydrogeological impact on water intake sites and water bodies
  • Assessment of modifying factors for converting Mineral Resources to Ore Reserves based on the model
  • Optimization of water resources with regard to water balance
  • Assessment of a potential for pumping mine water into deep levels
  • Justification of the injection-extraction well system for in situ leaching
  • Modelling of mine flooding upon completion of mining operations
  • Geomigration modelling
  • Audit of numerical hydrogeological models
  • Development of technical solutions for dewatering and drainage of underground and surface mines
  • Design of drainage activities to improve slope stability
  • Methodological supervision of pilot operation of drainage systems
  • Assessment of groundwater levels in the slope rock mass using Slide2 software package
  • Audit of numerical hydrogeological models and dewatering solutions
  • Hydrogeological audit of ore and coal deposits
  • Preparation of technical reports in compliance with international standards (Scoping Study, PFS, FS, CPR, JORC) for deposits mined by open-pit and underground methods
  • Hydrogeological due diligence as part of investment projects
  • Hydrogeological risk assessment
  • Development of corporate standards and reports related to WMP (Water Management Plan) and GCMP (Ground Control Management Plan)
  • Estimation of surface runoff to mine workings, and development of surface drainage solutions
  • Packer testing and installation of multi-level piezometers
  • Requirements and approach to the development of hydrogeological sections of Scoping Study, PFS and FS reports
  • Basic training course in hydrogeological modelling

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